“SMwall”以gasket包裝,用於PCB上的迴路模式或接地模式,採表面貼裝(SMT)可回流焊接,為帶有彈性、導電性的接觸端子。“SMwall”在機械性的彈性與復原率良好,在機械之間提供緩衝作用並達到導電作用與EMI代替的作用。“SMwall 是寬度小的四方形產品,所以在印刷迴路板上安裝上可代替原有的Shield can 及 EMI Dispensing Gaske的作用,也可以作用於小型接觸端子。
✔What is SMwall?
“SMcontacts SMwall series” is Surface Mountable Technology(SMT) compatible electric elastomer connector.“SMwall series” has good elastic recovery and electric property,so it offers not only cushion, but also electrical connecting and grounding between electrical objects and PCB. “SMwall series” is a rectangle with narrow width and is mounted on PCB board. So this can replace Shield Can or EMI Dispensing Gasket or other electric contacts.
✔Structure and Feature